Welcome to MySQL Basics: A Beginner’s Guide to Database Management! This course is specially designed for beginners who want to learn how to manage and manipulate data using MySQL, the world's most popular open-source relational database management system. Whether you're new to databases or looking to build a solid foundation in MySQL, this course is the perfect starting point.
- 3 Sections
- 17 Lessons
- 2 Quizzes
- 0 Google Meets
- 0m Duration
Level I
4 Lessons1 Quiz0 Google Meets
- Introduction to MySQL
- Introduction Quiz
- MySQL Installation Steps
- Components in SQL
- Datatypes in MySQL
Level II
8 Lessons1 Quiz0 Google Meets
- Create Database and Tables in MySQL
- Insert Data into Table
- Where Clause
- Update Command
- [Fix] Error Code 1175 You are using safe update mode
- Delete Command
- Quiz
- ALTER Command
- Drop and Truncate
Level - III
5 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
- Constraints
- Not Null Constraints
- Order By, Group By , Having
- Aliasing
- Views